Step 1: When you are setting up the place for your first date (and maybe even the first couple) pick a place that is more public than private. A nice restaurant or busy coffee house is always a good choice for a first date. A crowded club is not a good first date choice because you won't be able to talk to each other. Meeting at either of your homes is not a good idea because it causes an unsafe situation. In addition, in case the date goes bad it is not a good idea to be at a private place like your home or their home. Make sure that both of you agree to the date location. The first couple of dates are about establishing trust and both of you need to be comfortable with the date locations for that to happen.

Step 3: Dress for the date and be aware of what your clothes say about you. Some people may think that sex is expected on a first date but you should dress for the opposite. Your mindset about the date should be that you are getting to meet this person who may be the one for you. It is natural to want to look your best but don't let your nerves get the best of you.
Step 4: Even though you have talked to your date through email and online, you still need to be careful on the first date. Know what personal information you want to revel, if any, before you meet your date and stick with it. Don't assume that this person is the right one for you just because you met on a Christian dating agency. Make sure you meet a few times before you disclose your address or home phone number. Remember, people can look up your home phone number online and find your home address. Keep your own safety in mind during your first date.
Step 5: It is a good idea to talk about your ideas on sex before your first date. This isn't always a pleasant conversation and many dating Christians prefer to not discuss sex. In today's day and age there are a lot of different things that happen when people don't discuss sex first. Everyone has a different idea and they may believe that they know what the other person is thinking. It is when people start assuming that other people get hurt. Have the conversation, no matter how unpleasant, at the beginning of the relationship so that you are both on the same page. If you do decide to engage in sex within the first few dates please be careful. Diseases are spread easily, even when protection is used.
Step 6: If you know or even suspect, on your first date, that your online Christian date isn't the one then let them off firmly but nicely. Don't string along someone if you are not comfortable with them or you know that they are not the one. Some people may think that being a Christian is about being nice and not always being honest. It can cause problems and hard feelings if you are not honest from the beginning. If the person is not the one, you need to let them go so that you both can move on to find your soul mates.
Step 7: Do not talk yourself into a relationship just because you have been single for a long time. There are many other people on the Christian dating service from which you can choose. If you are in a relationship just because you don't want to be single then you are missing the chance to find your Christian soul mate. Agree to be friends and then move on in your search for your soul mate.
Step 8: Set a standard in your mind for the person who is your soul mate and expect no less. You deserve the best person for you and they are out there. Don't settle just because they have one attribute that you like or because they are of the same faith as you. Even if you have met a lot of choices in the Christian dating agency, your soul mate may just not be on the site yet. Give yourself time and remember that you deserve the one who is out there for you.
Step 9: If the date doesn't work out, don't let yourself fall into a depression. It is not the end of the world even if it feels like it. There are so many people in the world that sometimes it takes a little time to find your soul mate. If you have only found one person in your Christian dating agency to meet and it didn't work out, you still have many other choices. If you have had many dates that didn't work out, don't automatically believe that it is your fault. Have faith that God has someone for you and that He has a reason for you to meet so many people that are wrong for you. So pick yourself up and get back online to start a new search for your Christian soulmate.
Step 10: Above all be safe on your date and practice good common sense. Don't make any decisions that you are not comfortable with no matter how convincing a case your date presents. Trust that God will guide you, but remember you are His hands and feet so you need to do your part.
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