Sunday, 30 October 2011

Hiding in the Right Place

"In the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock"
(Psalm 27:5, NIV)

Have you ever watched children play hide and seek? They look for the best place to hide in the house or yard and wait quietly for their friend to try to find them. It's a fun game for kids, but even as adults, we need a good place to hide from time to time. Sometimes we need a place of refuge, a place of safety, a place to rest when we feel overwhelmed by the circumstances of life; a place where the enemy of our soul can never find us.
The good news is that God has the perfect hiding place for you! You don't have to hide in your job. You don't have to hide in relationships. You don't have to hide in food or addictions because God Himself promises to hide you! He freely offers you shelter from the storms of life any time you call on His name.
Remember, there's only one place the enemy cannot find you. There's only one place where opposition cannot steal from you. There's only one true place of safety and rest for your soul, and that is in the arms of Jesus. Know that He loves you, and He is ready to receive you when you call on His name!


Father, today I come humbly before You giving You all that I am. Thank You for hiding me in Your shelter and keeping me safe from the storms of life. My soul finds rest in You as I seek You and praise Your holy name in Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Where Would You Be?

“If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction”
(Psalm 119:92, NIV)

If it had not been for the goodness of God, where would you be? Some wouldn’t be alive today. Some would still be addicted. If it had not been for God’s favor some would still be struggling, barely making it. You may say, “Well Joel, I’ve got a long way to go.” And that may be true, but I want you to take a moment and look back over your life and realize how far you’ve come. The same God that brought you this far, the same God that has kept you alive is going to carry you through any difficulty you may be facing. The key is to just start praising and thanking Him for His goodness. Thank Him for His favor and blessing upon you. Praise precedes the victory. Praise brings the walls of opposition down. Praise is the invitation for God to intervene on your behalf!
Today, I declare that the goodness of God is all over you! He is directing your steps, and you are following His leading. I declare that your best days are ahead, and as you praise Him and thank Him, you will move forward into the victory and blessing He has prepared for you!


Father, thank You so much for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. I know that Your hand of favor is upon me. I know that You are leading me and guiding me in victory. Keep me close to You as I surrender every area of my heart and mind to You in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Do You See It?

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen...”
(Romans 1:20, NIV)

All around you, God’s goodness is on display. The question is do you see it? The scripture talks about how God was in the midst of people, but they knew Him not. Too many times, God is working in our lives, showing us favor, protecting us, sending us healing, but we don’t recognize His goodness. For example, if you’re in a crowded parking lot and a car backs out so you can get a front row space, that’s the goodness of God. If you’re going through a difficult time and a friend stops by out of the blue and cheers you up, that’s the goodness of God.
We have to remember not to take the little things for granted. All through the day we should be saying, “Thank You, Lord, for Your goodness. Thank You for my health. Thank You for my spouse. Thank You for the opportunity that You have given me.”
Today, be on the lookout for His goodness. Remember, what you seek you will find. Seek Him and thank Him for His faithfulness and blessing upon every area of your life!


Father God, thank You for every good and perfect gift that You have given me. Thank You for ordering my steps and guiding me with Your Word. I love You and praise You today for Your faithfulness and look forward to the good things You have in store for my future in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, 24 October 2011

In This Together

“I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ”
(Philemon 1:6, NIV)

As believers, we are called to work together to build His kingdom. We are partners together and heirs of His precious promises. In biblical partnership, we operate as one in the eyes of God. That means, when you pray for us and invest time and resources into this ministry, you will be credited in heaven for every life touched and changed by the work of this ministry. At the same time, we are standing with you, praying for you and believing for God’s very best in your life. As partners, we are in this together!
Victoria and I want to say thank you for standing with us and laboring with us in the kingdom of God. Millions of lives around the world have been forever changed because of your partnership with us. Just as you reap benefits in the natural when you labor physically, you will receive supernatural blessings when you invest your time, talent and resources in the kingdom of God. We love you and believe your best days are ahead!


Father, thank You for the gift of partnership. Thank You that we can stand together stronger and more effective in building Your kingdom. Your Word says that when we dwell together in unity, You command blessing. Today I receive that blessing as I follow Your commands in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Dream Boldly

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go”
(Joshua 1:9, NIV)

When you look out into your future, what do you see? What are the dreams and desires that you hold close to your heart?
So many people start with bold dreams, but then opposition comes. Life doesn’t turn out the way they planned. They lose a loved one or encounter difficulty they didn’t anticipate. Today, if that’s you, I want to remind you that the Creator of the universe designed you with specific gifts and talents that no one else has. He has you on this planet for a specific purpose. When you commit your life to Him, He promises to be with you wherever you go. Even though some things in life may have caught you by surprise, they didn’t catch God by surprise. His good plan for your life remains. You can trust Him because He loves you with an everlasting love, and He doesn’t want to see you settling for anything less than His very best.
I want to encourage you to be bold, be strong and be courageous. Put aside the past and lift up your eyes to Jesus. He is the Author and Finisher of your faith. Live boldly and dream boldly so you can embrace the good things He has in store for you!


Father God, today I come boldly to You. I open my heart and mind to Your Word. Fill me with Your strength today; fill me with Your hope, and keep me close to You always as I put You first in everything I do in Jesus’ name. Amen.