Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Take Time to Listen to God

“And the Lord utters His voice before His army, for His host is very great, and they are strong and powerful who execute God's word...”
(Joel 2:11)

God teaches us to hear His voice little by little. It can be something as simple as being at the mall and not feeling good about a purchase you’re about to make. No big deal. You put it back. At the office, you feel an unrest around a certain person. You just back away. At home, you feel a prompting to spend time with your child. At night you hear a suggestion, “Turn off the TV. Go to bed. You need your rest.” You turn it off.
Pay attention to what you’re feeling. Those are all little ways that the Holy Spirit guides us. Don’t ignore the impressions, the promptings. God speaks to us in a Still, Small Voice. He is not going to boom out lightening to get your attention. He is not going to flash it across your TV screen. When God speaks, it’s usually subtle.
Remember, if you’re going to hear a whisper, you’ve got to get close. You’ve got to be tuned in. You’re not going to hear Him by accident with the busyness of the day, the stress of the office, running here and there. You have to ask yourself, “What am I feeling? What am I sensing?” You have to take time to get quiet and listen to God.

Father, thank You for teaching me to hear Your voice. I choose right now to be still and lean into You. I pray that You will make Your voice clear to my heart. Thank You for leading and guiding me as I listen to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Follow Peace

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace...”
(Isaiah 55:12, NIV)
God knows what’s best for you. He knows what you need and when you need it. He knows how to put you at the right place at the right time. He knows where the danger is and where the good breaks are. You have to learn to trust that inner peace, that inner prompting that leads you.
Even if the odds are against you, if you feel good about it in your heart, move forward. On the other hand, if there is unrest or uneasiness, if you don’t have peace, then wait. Don’t ignore the promptings, the impressions, the knowings. That’s God talking to you.
Always remember, God wants to help you in your everyday life, not just in the big decisions, but even in the small things. He wants to pour out His favor on you and release your frustrations. If you will be sensitive to His leading, if you will follow His peace, He will lead you into the blessing and victory He has prepared for you! 

Father, thank You for peace. Thank You for leading me forth in joy and victory. I choose to listen to You. I choose to tune in to You. I choose to trust You knowing that You have a good plan for every area of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.