Saturday 20 June 2015

The Effect on Your Life with the Power of Love

The Power of Love!


1.  Contrary to many beliefs, love is a choice, not a feeling. That is why so many personal relationships break down; when the feelings leave, so does love and so does the partner! When love is a choice, that doesn't have to happen.

2.  When we are acting in a mindset of love, we find the best in ourselves and in others. And we are more tolerant.

3.  What about you? Would others call you a caring or loving individual? Are business and personal interactions with you enjoyable or difficult?

4.  What can you do to conduct yourself better in behaviors like patience, kindness, giving, and caring for others before yourself?

5.  Think of an example where you and another person wanted to do different activities and you did not defer; you insisted on doing what you wanted. Next time, do what someone else wants to do, even though it’s not your choice or preference.

6.  Love perseveres and does not give up. It gives when others quit. That might mean doing homework with your kids when you are tired, listening to your partner when you are in the middle of something else, supporting your friend through a difficult time even though that requires you to give up your favorite activity, and so on. Think of a couple of possibilities where you can embrace that kind of persevering love.

7.  Loving yourself is part of this process. When you don’t have high self-worth, it is difficult to love others.

8.  No one is perfect. When you act without love, acknowledge it, let go of any guilt, and move back to love as quickly as possible.

9.  Love in its purest form can never be destroyed or taken away from you because it is in your heart and mind. That in itself is a powerful revelation, your love can never be taken away from you. Your love will not always be received or accepted as you would like, but your love does not stop because someone rejected you. Only you can turn off that mindset.

10.  Imagine a place where most people have a mindset of caring and love. That is a pretty exciting and powerful place. I experienced it when the Winter Olympics were hosted in Vancouver, BC. Thousands of individuals were in a mindset of celebration, caring, and love. I can’t describe it. You had to be there but, believe me, it was amazing!

11.  I encourage each of you to step up and play and live in love more than you have before. If you do, we all will be better for it!

 As a society, we can be quick to judge those who are different than we are. We may demonstrate intolerance.  We should accept everyone at face value or even admire their behavior, but we can approach them with a mindset of love. That will get us further and in a more enjoyable manner than a negative attitude will.


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